Sunday, January 22, 2012

Settling into a routine

Thought for the day: More people would eat healthy if McDonalds wasn't So. Damn. CHEAP.

So I'm back at school, Thank God. No updates this last week or so as I settled into a routine. Regular updates resume nowish.

A few things that have come to pass since last update.
  1. I now play DnD with my Piggott group on Skype every Sunday. It's pretty cool.
  2. I'm attempting to get into shape this semester. By this I mean I'm planning on a diet and workout plan that are designed to build lean muscle mass. What I've learned from this: healthy food is EXPENSIVE! I mean, just buying veggies and fruit nearly bankrupts me. And let's not even speak of the vitamins and supplements the plan advises me to take(the plan's statement on  supplements is "you don't have to, but if you don't you won't see results as fast or as dramatic").
  3. Related to 2: I need a job, desperately.
  4. Related to 3: I need a car, desperately.
  5. Related to 2-4: Shameless plug- Note the donation button in the corner. ;D
  6. Among the classes I'm taking this year is "Legal Environment of Business". It's at 8am, but I'm trying to get up early this semester anyway; see 2. The professor is the county judge. I am, apparently, the teacher's pet. Why? Because out of the entire 20+ persons in the class, I was the only one who had read the Constitution. So, yeah, I'm enjoying the class. My other classes are looking up, too. Yes, even Stats.
  7. Still searching for an internship. No news on that front.
That's about it so far. More tomorrow, maybe, or less. All depends on how the day goes. It's Accounting and Earth Science, so don't hope for much.



  1. Bloggins! *glomps* Believe it or not, I miss your ramblings =P

    Weren't you aiming to get in shape last semester as well? I recall you mentioning making use of the new facilities in the student building.

    Good luck with everything <3 You have a lot going for you :)

    I actually enjoyed Earth Science when I took it in middle and high school, (though high school may be due more to our lack of a real teacher for much of the year). But even then, it was an enjoyable class all around. Perhaps there's more to get out of it than you think :3 I recall many of my lessons being genuinely interesting and we tended to make lots of mini-field trips outside.

  2. It certainly sounds as though you have a lot on your plate this semester. Good luck to you! :)
